KDF9 Architecture

The main memory consisted of 32768 48-bit words of core store.

There were 16 counter/index registers called Q-stores. Each was divided into three parts, Counter, Increment and Modifier. The counter could be tested for zero or non-zero by jump instructions. The modifier could be added to the address of main store references, in normal indexed addressing manner. All store reference instructions had a variant which incremented the Q-store after the main store reference, indicated by a letter Q at the end of the instruction mnemonic. In this case, after the main store access, the counter was decremented, and the modifier increased by the value held in the increment part. Q0 was always zero.

The arithmetic and logic took place in the nesting store. At the normal user-program level there were 16 cells in a stack. A fetch from main store or a Q-store, pushed a 48-bit value onto this stack. A store instruction, popped the top value and put it in memory or Q-store. An immediate value could be put in the nesting store by a SET instruction. The ZERO instruction pushed a zero word onto this stack.

An attempt to put a 17th value in the nest led to a program failure called nest overflow, and generated an interrupt. Similarly an attempt to pop a value out of an empty nest generated an interrupt and underflow failure.

There were instructions to swap values around in the top 4 cells of the nest, and all arithmetic took place between operands in the upper cells of the nest. Thus the machine code was postfix.

The actual hardware of a time-sharing KDF9 actually had four such nesting stores, and four sets of Q-stores, but only the Director program saw any of this. The English Electric document of Director is on-line here, and gives a very good description of how this worked.

In addition there were 2 single-bit registers, the overflow register (V) and the test (TR) register. These were not quadruplicated, and had to be preserved by Director on interrupt, and restored on return to the program.

The OUT instruction was a programmed interrupt, permitting a program to call on the services of Director.

KDF9 Machine Code Instructions

N1 = top cell of nesting store
N2 = second cell, etc
N.B. All numbers in octal

Single syllable instructions

  VR    001    clear overflow register  
  =TR    002    set test register  
  BITS    003    count number of bits in the word  
  ×F    004    floating point multiply  
  ×DF    005    floating point multiply – double length result from 48–bit operands  
  ×+F    007    like ×DF but then followed by double length addition  
  NEGD    010    negate – double length  
  OR    011    inclusive or  
  PERM    012    permute top 3 nest cells, N1 becomes N3  
  TOB    013    convert six chars in N1 to binary number, radix word in N2  
  ROUNDH    014    round to half word  
  NEV    015    not equivalent, i.e. exclusive or  
  ROUND    016    round double number in N1,N2 to single in N1  
  DUMMY    017    do nothing as quickly as possible  
  ROUNDF    020    round floating point double number in N1,N2 to single in N1  
  ROUNDHF    021    round floating point number to half length  
  –DF    022    subtract double length floating point  
  +DF    023    add double length floating point  
  FLOAT    024    convert fixed point number to floating point  
  FLOATD    025    convert double length fixed point number to floating point  
  ABS    026    absolute value  
  NEG    027    negate  
  ABSF    030    absolute value floating point  
  NEGF    031    negate floating point  
  MAX    032    re–order N1, N2 to that larger is in N1  
  NOT    033    invert ones and zeroes  
  ×D    034    multiply two 48–bit values to give double length result  
  ×    035    multiply  
  –    036    subtract  
  SIGN    037    +1 if N1 – N2 > 0, –1 if N1 – N2 < 0, 0 if N1 – N2 = 0,  
  ZERO    041    put 0 in N1  
  DUP    042    duplicate, i.e. put copy of N1 in N1  
  DUPD    043    duplicate double length  
  ÷I    044    integer divide, N1 = remainder, N2 = quotient  
  FIX    045    convert floating point to fixed point  
  STR    047    stretch 48–bit number to double length  
  CONT    050    convert double length integer in N1, N2 to single length in N1  
  REVD    051    swap N1 and N3, N2 and N4  
  ERASE    052    remove top cell of the nest  
  –D    053    subtract double length  
  AND    054    logical and  
  +    056    add  
  +D    057    add double length  
  ÷    060    divide  
  ÷D    061    divide double length  
  ÷F    062    divide floating point  
  ÷DF    063    divide double length floating point  
  ÷R    064    fancy divide for multiplength division  
  REV    065    reverse, i.e. swap N1 and N2  
  CAB    066    permute top 3 nest cells, N3 becomes N1  
  FRB    067    convert binary to characters, radix in N2  
  STAND    070    standardise floating point number  
  NEGDF    071    negate double length floating point  
  MAXF    072    swap N1 N2 so that N1 is larger floating point  
  +F    074    add floating point  
  –F    075    subtract floating point  
  SIGNF    077    like SIGN but floating point  


Q-stores are divided into three parts (like Cæsar’s Gaul), counter, increment and modifier.
Memory addressing instructons containing Mq add the value in the modifier to the address being accessed. For half word instructions half of one of the addresses is used.
When the instruction ends in Q, the counter is decremented, and the modifier incremented by the amount in the increment.

For peripheral instructions, the device number goes in the counter, the start address in the increment and the final address in the modifier.

Two syllable instructions

  Mq'Mq    100    20q + q'    fetch 48–bit value in address q + q'  
  =Mq'Mq    101    20q + q'    store 48–bit value in address q + q'  
  Mq'MqQ    102    20q + q'    fetch 48–bit value in address q + q' and increment Qq  
  =Mq'MqQ    103    20q + q'    fetch 48–bit value in address q + q' and increment Qq  
  Mq'MqH    104    20q + q'    fetch 24–bit value in address ½ q + q' to N1 top half and zeroise bottom half  
  =Mq'MqH    105    20q + q'    store 24–bit value in address ½ q + q'   N.B. top half of N1  
  Mq'MqQH    106    20q + q'    fetch 24–bit value in address ½ q + q' and increment Qq  
  =Mq'MqQH    107    20q + q'    store 24–bit value in address ½ q + q' and increment Qq  
  Mq'MqN    110    20q + q'    fetch 48–bit value in address q + q' + 1  
  =Mq'MqN    111    20q + q'    store 48–bit value in address q + q' + 1  
  Mq'MqQN    112    20q + q'    fetch 48–bit value in address q + q' + 1 and increment Qq  
  =Mq'MqQN    113    20q + q'    store 48–bit value in address q + q' + 1 and increment Qq  
  Mq'MqHN    114    20q + q'    fetch 24–bit value in address ½ q + q' + 1  
  =Mq'MqHN    115    20q + q'    store 24–bit value in address ½ q + q' + 1  
  Mq'MqQHN    116    20q + q'    fetch 24–bit value in address ½ q + q' + 1 and increment Qq  
  =Mq'MqQHN    117    20q + q'    store 24–bit value in address ½ q + q' + 1 and increment Qq  
  M+Iq    140    20q    modifier of Mq increased by value in Iq  
  M–Iq    141    20q    modifier of Mq decreased by value in Iq  
  NCq    142    20q    negate Cq  
  DCq    143    20q    decrement Cq  
  Iq=+1    144    20q    Iq = +1  
  Iq=–1    145    20q    Iq = –1  
  Iq=+2    146    20q    Iq = +2  
  Iq=–2    147    20q    Iq = –2  
  MqTOQq'    151    20q + q'    copy Mq to modifier of Q'  
  IqTOQq'    152    20q + q'    copy Iq to increment of Q'  
  IMqTOQq'    153    20q + q'    copy Iq and Mq to increment and modifier of Q'  
  CqTOQq'    154    20q + q'    copy Cq to counter of Q'  
  CMqTOQq'    155    20q + q'    copy Cq and Mq to counter and modifier of Q'  
  CIqTOQq'    156    20q + q'    copy Cq and Iq to counter and increment of Q'  
  QqTOQq'    157    20q + q'    copy Qq to all of Q'  
  SHACq    161    20q    shift arithmetic by number of bits in Cq  
  SHAn    161    2n + 1    shift arithmetic by n bits  
  SHADCq    162    20q    shift arithmetic double length by number of bits in Cq  
  SHADn    162    2n + 1    shift arithmetic double length by n bits  
  ×+Cq    163    20q    ×D; SHADCq; +D;  
  ×+n    163    2n + 1    ×D; SHADn; +D;  
  SHLCq    164    20q    shift logical by number of bits in Cq  
  SHLn    164    2n + 1    shift logical by n bits  
  SHLDCq    166    20q    shift logical double length by number of bits in Cq  
  SHLDn    166    2n + 1    shift logical double length by n bits  
  SHCCq    167    20q    shift cyclic by number of bits in Cq  
  SHCn    167    2n + 1    shift cyclic by n bits  
  =Mq    170    20q + 2    bottom 16 bits of N1 put in Mq  
  =RMq    170    20q + 3    reset Qq to 0/1/0 then store N1 in Mq  
  =Iq    170    20q + 4    bottom 16 bits of N1 put in Iq  
  =RIq    170    20q + 5    reset Qq to 0/1/0 then store N1 in Iq  
  =Cq    170    20q + 10    bottom 16 bits of N1 put in Cq  
  =RCq    170    20q + 11    reset Qq to 0/1/0 then store N1 in Cq  
  =Qq    170    20q + 16    all of N1 put in Mq  
  Mq    171    20q + 2    fetch Mq into N1  
  Iq    171    20q + 4    fetch Iq into N1  
  Cq    171    20q + 10    fetch Cq into N1  
  Qq    171    20q + 16    fetch Qq into N1  
  =+Mq    172    20q + 2    add value in N1 to Mq  
  =+Iq    172    20q + 4    add value in N1 to Iq  
  =+Cq    172    20q + 10    add value in N1 to Cq  
  =+Qq    172    20q + 16    add value in N1 to Qq  
  LINK    173    0    fetch top call of SJNS into N1  
  =LINK    174    0    store N1 into top call of SJNS  
  JCqNZS    177    20q    jump to start of previous word if Cq is non–zero  
  =Kn    175    27–n    set special register – director–mode only  
  Kn    176    27–n    fetch special register – director–mode only  
  =K0    175    200    if N1 = 0 then switch buzzer on else switch buzzer off  
  =K1    175    100    copy bits N1:D24–D33 to NOL, bits N1:D34–D35 to CPL and bits N1:D38–D47 to BA  
  =K2    175    40    copy bits N1:D32–D47 to CPDAR, where N1:D32 corresponds to buffer 15 and N1:D47 to buffer 0  
  =K3    175    20    switch to a new Q store/nest/SJNS set, with new nest depths (see below)  
  K4    176    10    push CLOCK/RFIR onto nest.  
  K5    176    04    push PHU onto nest  
  K7    176    01    push the current register set number and nest depths, as represented for the =K3 instruction.  
The =K3 instruciton requires special care (see P29 of director listing).
N1:D0-D1 are the new register set number, N1:D2-D6 are the new nest depth and N1:D7-D11 are the new SJNS depth; the register set number is independent of the program priority level.
The =K3 instruction must be followed by at least 6 DUMMY instructions, since it takes 6�sec to take effect and during this period the machine is in an indeterminate state.

The K5 instruction fetches bits D6-11 of the program hold up registers
            PHU0:D6-D11 in N1:D0-D5,
            PHU1:D6-D11 in N1:D6-D11,
            PHU2:D6-D11 in N1:D12-D17,
            PHU3:D6-D11 in N1:D18-D23.

Peripheral instructions (two syllable)

The unit number of the peripheral is in Cq unless otherwise stated.
Start of store area address is in Iq and end is in Mq
  CTQq    120    20q    clear transfer – director–mode only  
  MANUALQq    120    20q + 1    set peripheral unready  
  BUSYQq    120    20q + 2    test if peripheral is busy  
  MLBQq    120    20q + 4    set test register if previous read was a last block  
  MBTQq    120    20q + 10    set test register if at begining of tape  
  PARQq    121    20q    test if peripheral has parity fail set  
  METQq    122    20q    test if peripheral has end tape set (tape deck)  
  MFRQq, PRQq    124    20q    forward read  
  CLOQq    124    20q + 2    clear lock–outs over area specified by Iq–Mq – director–mode only  
  TLOQq    124    20q + 4    test for lock–out over area specified by Iq–Mq  
  PRCQq    124    20q + 10    read paper tape, all 8 holes to each 48–bit word  
  PREQq    125    20q    forward read to end message character  
  PRCEQq    125    20q + 10    read paper tape to end message character, all 8 holes to each 48–bit word  
  MBRQq    126    20q    backward read  
  MBREQq    127    20q    backward read to end message character  
  PWQq, MWQq    130    20q    write  
  MLWQq    130    20q + 10    write followed by tape mark, i.e. write a last block  
  MGAPQq    130    20q + 14    leave a gap on mag tape  
  PGAPQq    130    20q + 14    punch blank paper tape tape  
  MWIPEQq    130    20q + 4    leave a really big clear gap on mag tape  
  MWEQq, PWEQq    131    20q    write to end message character  
  MLWEQq    131    20q + 10    write to end message character followed by tape mark, i.e. write a last block  
  MFSKQq    134    20q    forward skip one block  
  INTQq    134    20q + 2    if this device is busy suspend execution of this process until any peripheral transfer finishes  
  MBSKQq    136    20q    backward skip one block  
  MRWDQq, PRWDQq    136    20q + 10    rewind  

Peripheral instructions (two syllable) — a complete list ??

Documentation on the peripheral instructions that came later in the life of KDF9 is difficult to find. This complete list of PI, PO and PM instructions was constructed from the source code of the paper tape Usercode Compiler, and replaces an earlier list compiled with the help of Bill Findlay. There is good reason to believe that there were no more such instructions acceptable to English Electric’s Usercode Compiler, and the source gives confidence that the information is correct.
Where this table contradicts the previous one, this is an error, and the following table is definitive.
  PIAQq    124    20q    ordinary read    MFRQq, PFRQq  
  PIBQq    125    20q    read to end–message    MREQq, PREQq  
  PICQq    124    20q + 10    PRCQq    PRCQq  
  PIDQq    125    20q + 10    PRCEQq    PRCEQ  
  PIEQq    126    20q    MBRQq    MBRQq  
  PIFQq    127    20q    MBREQq    MBREQ  
  PIGQq    126    20q + 10    alpha–numeric char read on CR  
  PIHQq    127    20q + 10    alpha–numeric char read to ® on CR  
  PMAQq    134    20q    seek on disc    MFSKQq  
  PMBQq    120    20q + 10    test MBT    MBTQq  
  PMCQq    120    20q + 04    test MLB    MLBQq  
  PMDQq    136    20q + 10    MRWD    MRWDQq  
  PMEQq    136    20q    MBSK    MBSKQq  
  PMFQq    122    20q    MET    METQq  
  PMGQq    122    20q + 04    Read C–store     
  PMHQq    130    20q + 02    Set lockout     
  PMKQq    134    20q + 04    IBM Even parity skip forward     
  PMLQq    136    20q + 04    IBM Even parity skip back     
  POAQq    130    20q    ordinary write    MWQq, PWQq  
  POBQq    131    20q    write to end–message    MWEQq, PWEQq, TWEQq  
  POCQq    130    20q + 10    PWCQq and MLWQq    MLWQq  
  PODQq    131    20q + 10    PWCEQq and MLWEQq    MLWEQq  
  POEQq    130    20q + 14    PGAPQq and MGAPQq    MGAPQq, PGAPQq  
  POFQq    130    20q + 04    MWIPEQq    MWIPEQq  
  POGQq    132    20q    CP A/N; FD Next sector     
  POHQq    133    20q    CP A/N, ®; FD Next sector, ®     
  POKQq    133    20q + 10    CP A/N, ®, Character mode; FD Next sector, ®, fixed heads     
  POLQq    132    20q + 10    CP A/N, Character mode; FD Next sector, fixed heads     

Jump instructions (three syllable)

The destination address is given in English Electric literature as e/s, where e is the address of the destination word, and s is the number of the syllable (0-5) within in the word. Instructions have to be in the bottom 8192 words of the address space, so e is at most 13 bits.

This address is spread throughout the 3 sylables of the instruction. e is broken down into
     el the least significant 8 bits of e
     em the next 4 significant bits of e
     eh the single most significant bit
  JE(e/s)=    220 + 10eh + s    20 + em    el    jump if N1 = N2 and erase N1  
  JE(e/s)¹    200 + 10eh + s    20 + em    el    jump if N1 ¹ N2 and erase N1  
  JE(e/s)<Z    220 + 10eh + s    40 + em    el    jump if N1 < 0 and erase N1  
  JE(e/s)³Z    200 + 10eh + s    40 + em    el    jump if N1 ≥ 0 and erase N1  
  JE(e/s)>Z    220 + 10eh + s    100 + em    el    jump if N1 > 0 and erase N1  
  JE(e/s)£Z    200 + 10eh + s    100 + em    el    jump if N1 ≤ 0 and erase N1  
  JE(e/s)=Z    220 + 10eh + s    140 + em    el    jump if N1 = 0 and erase N1  
  JE(e/s)¹Z    200 + 10eh + s    140 + em    el    jump if N1 ¹ 0 and erase N1  
  JE(e/s)V    220 + 10eh + s    200 + em    el    jump if overflow is set  
  JE(e/s)NV    200 + 10eh + s    240 + em    el    misprint in manual  
  JE(e/s)NV    200 + 10eh + s    200 + em    el    jump if overflow is not set — probably true entry  
  JE(e/s)EN    220 + 10eh + s    240 + em    el    jump if nesting store is empty  
  JE(e/s)NEN    200 + 10eh + s    240 + em    el    if nesting store is not empty  
  JE(e/s)    200 + 10eh + s    260 + em    el    jump unconditionally  
  JSE(e/s)    200 + 10eh + s    320 + em    el    jump into a subroutine, address of nexxt instruction is pushed into the SJNS  
  JE(e/s)EJ    220 + 10eh + s    300 + em    el    jump if SJNS is empty  
  JE(e/s)NEJ    200 + 10eh + s    300 + em    el    jump if SJNS is not empty  
  JE(e/s)TR    220 + 10eh + s    340 + em    el    jump if test register is set  
  JE(e/s)NTR    200 + 10eh + s    340 + em    el    jump if test register is not set  
  JE(e/s)CqZ    240 + 10eh + s    20q + em    el    jump if Cq is zero  
  JE(e/s)CqNZ    260 + 10eh + s    20q + em    el    jump if Cq is non–zero  
  OUT    200    220    0    enter director – see below  
  EXITD    222    360    0    exit director — director–mode only  
  EXIT1 Ee    200    360 + em    el    exit subroutine  
  EXIT Ee    202    360 + em    el    exit subroutine  
  EXIT3 Ee    200    360 + em    el + 1    exit subroutine  
  EXIT2 Ee    202    360 + em    el + 1    exit subroutine  
The EXIT instruction is very odd. EXIT1 means exit one half word after the address in the SJNS, and is the simple way out of a subroutine.

EXIT2 means exit two half words (i.e. one whole word) after the address in the SJNS, and is used as the normal exit from a subroutine, when that subroutine also has an error condition to indicate. In the case of error, the subroutine would do EXIT1 in the expectation that the next instruction was a jump to the error processing routine.

It was also occasionally used to implement a switch by placing a computed address in the SJNS, and using the EXIT label instruction where label was at the start of a list of jump instructions.

Data fetch and store instructions (three syllable)

The destination address is a 15-bit word address e.

This address is spread throughout the 3 sylables of the instruction. e is broken down into
     el the least significant 8 bits of e
     em the next 4 significant bits of e
     eh the three most significant bits

For the SET instruction
     nl the least significant 8 bits of n
     nh the most significant 8 bits of n
  Ee    300 + 10eh    em    el    fetch 48–bit word from absolute address  
  =Ee    301 + 10eh    em    el    store 48–bit word in absolute address  
  EeMq    300 + 10eh    20q + em    el    fetch 48–bit word from e + Mq  
  =EeMq    301 + 10eh    20q + em    el    store 48–bit word in e + Mq  
  EeMqQ    302 + 10eh    20q + em    el    fetch 48–bit word from e + Mq and increment Qq  
  =EeMqQ    303 + 10eh    20q + em    el    store 48–bit word in e + Mq and increment Qq  
  SETn    304    nh    nl    put the value n in N1  

OUT instructions

The OUT instruction causes an entry into director, and its action thus depends on the director in use. However, there was always good consistency among the various incarnations of the time-sharing director. The following table is constructed from reading the code of the Eldon2 director from Leeds and the time-sharing director from Oxford.

The “out number” was in N1 and any other parameters in N2 etc. Obeying OUT with an empty nest was equivalent to OUT 0.
  N1    N2    N3        Action  
  0    n/a    n/a    end the program  
  1    program name    load and enter a new code module whose name is in N2/N3  
  2    time limit    n/a    enter a new code module which is already in store  
  3    n/a    n/a    put time used so far in N1  
  4    tape label    n/a    claim mag tape with 8 char label – unit number in N1  
  5    1 = paper tape punch
  2 = paper tape reader
  3 = line printer
  4 = card reader  
  n/a    claim peripheral device – unit number in N1  
  6    unit number    n/a    deallocate peripheral device  
  7    mt unit number    n/a    deallocate mag tape, but leave loaded  
  8    params in Q–store format    n/a    transfer to the output well, 1st word is stream number, subsequent words are data to be transfered  
  8    params in Q–store format    n/a    C = I = M = stream number, close the stream  
  9    n/a    n/a    put clock–on–the–wall time in N1  
  10    tape label    claim mag tape with 16 char label – unit number in N1  
  14     ?     ?    someting to do with job accounting  
  15     ?     ?    someting to do with job accounting  
  17    n/a    n/a    put notional elapsed time in N2 and run time in N1  
  19     ?     ?    someting to do with job accounting  
  20    Q–/LO/HI (644 word buffer)    n/a    General text file location routine (NPL only)
Enter with W0/1 of buffer = identifier
Exit nest empty. Buffer containing
            W0= D0-23 Disc address of index block
                 D24-47 Program address of entry - if found
                 D24-47 0 - if not found
            W1= FOC library/FOC archive
            W3= mask
            W4-643= index block  
  25    Q–/LO/HI of prog now in store    n/a    restore dumped prog if D0=0, swop levels if D0=1 Used by JO to restart prog after JO has rolled it back into store  
  39    ?     ?    initiate foreground job  
  50     ?     ?    put stats block (job accounting) onto the OUT8 tape  
  51     ?     ?    put stats block (job accounting) onto the OUT8 tape  

Character Codes

KDF9 Lineprinter

  00    space  
  01    not used  
  02    line feed  
  03    page feed  
  04    tab ?  
  05    not used  
  06    %  
  07    '  
  10    :  
  11    =  
  12    (  
  13    )  
  14    £  
  15    *  
  16    ,  
  17    /  
  20    0  
  21    1  
  22    2  
  23    3  
  24    4  
  25    5  
  26    6  
  27    7  
  30    8  
  31    9  
  32    not used  
  33    10  
  34    ;  
  35    +  
  36    –  
  37    .  
  40    not used  
  41    A  
  42    B  
  43    C  
  44    D  
  45    E  
  46    F  
  47    G  
  50    H  
  51    I  
  52    J  
  53    K  
  54    L  
  55    M  
  56    N  
  57    O  
  60    P  
  61    Q  
  62    R  
  63    S  
  64    T  
  65    U  
  66    V  
  67    W  
  70    X  
  71    Y  
  72    Z  
  73    not used  
  74    not used  
  75    ®  
  76    start message  
  77    ignored  

KDF9 Paper Tape

Although the paper tape was 8-hole, it was used in a most curious way, and each row of holes produce only one 6-bit character in the machine.
      s::p: :::
The holes marked with colons are the 6 bits that are transfered to the machine. The hole marked p is the parity bit. Parity is even. The hole marked s was only used in the space chacter so as to distinguish it from blank tape.

It was a two shift system, the cases being called shift and normal.
       normal    shift
  00    space  
  02    CR–LF  
  04    tab  
  06    case shift  
  07    case normal  
  17    /    :  
  20    0    ^  
  21    1    [  
  22    2    ]  
  23    3    <  
  24    4    >  
  25    5    =  
  26    6    ×  
  27    7    ÷  
  30    8    (  
  31    9    )  
  32    underline    underline  
  33    10    £  
  34    ;    ;  
  35    +    ¹  
  36    –    *  
  37    .    ,  
  40    not used    not used  
  41    A    a  
  42    B    b  
  43    C    c  
  44    D    d  
  45    E    e  
  46    F    f  
  47    G    g  
  50    H    h  
  51    I    i  
  52    J    j  
  53    K    k  
  54    L    l  
  55    M    m  
  56    N    n  
  57    O    o  
  60    P    p  
  61    Q    q  
  62    R    r  
  63    S    s  
  64    T    t  
  65    U    u  
  66    V    v  
  67    W    w  
  70    X    x  
  71    Y    y  
  72    Z    z  
  73    not used    not used  
  74    not used    not used  
  75    ®    ®  
  77    ignored    ignored