!comment A1 -- DH's versions; !comment A1 now has crude inbasicsymbol; !procedure open(dv); !value dv; !integer dv; !KDF9 12/9/14/0; (+ usage by the genuine original ); {dv}; JSP293; !EXIT; P293V40; ( Open ); V0 = Q 0/AV1/AV40; (+ V-stores are paper tape input buffer ); SET20; NEV; J1#Z; (+ interim(?) version only devs 20 and 30 allowed ); V0; DUP; =V0P295; (+ first JS5P295 will cause the first read ); =Q13; SET2; SET5; OUT; =C13; Q13; =V0; 1; EXIT1; P295V9; ( General Character and Basic Symbol Handling ); V3 = 0; (+ shift indicator ); V4 = B 000 00 230 645 07 246; (blank, pound, semicolon, !=, star, comma 000 012 230 322 216 246); V5 = B 000 05 230 603 50 413; (blank, subten, semicolon, +, -, dot 000 012 230 301 321 013); V6 = -1; ( retained basic symbol ); V7 = Q B134601 / B104631 / B101302; ( colon, uparrow, lhsq, rhsq, lt, gt ); V8 = Q B121261 / B110604 / B112000; ( =, times, idiv, bra, ket, 000 ); V9 = Q B106616 / B111235 / B131000; (C15 = 0 for LH-quote, 1 for star, 2 for <=, 3 for RH-quote, 4 for >= ); 10; V6; REV; =V6; J91=Z; ERASE; JS5; DUP; SHL-5; J86=Z; SETB25; -; SET26; V3; AND; +; EXIT2; ( letter ); 86; DUP; J87#Z; ERASE; SETB236; EXIT2; 87; DUP; NOT; NEG; SHL-4; J88=Z; ( J if not / or digit etc ); DUP; SETB32; -; DUP; SHL+3; =C15; J89=Z; ( j IF digit ); ERASE; SETB241; ( SLASH ); 92; EXIT2; 93: ( shifted digit ); ERASE; V8; V7; SHLDC15; ERASE; SETB377; AND; EXIT2; 88; SHC-1; DUP; NEG; NOT; J84#Z; ERASE; SETB240; EXIT2; (carriage return); 84; STR; NOT; REV; SET3; NEV; J85=Z; ( SHIFT CHAR ); 71: NC15; ERASE; (C15 = 0 for LH-quote, 1 for star, 2 for <=, 3 for RH-quote, 4 for >= ); C15; SHL+3; =C15; V9; SHLC15; SHL-40; EXIT2; 70; JS6; J96; C0TOQ15; SETB211; J71=; DC15; DUP; J71=Z; DC15; SETB202; J71=; DC15; SETB231; J71=; DC15; SETB302; J71=; 96; ERASE; SETB216; EXIT2; (+ fetch basic symbol - too fancy - return asterisk ); ( SET6; SET5; J109P299; earlier failure response ); 12; ERASE; (+ initialise basic symbol output - ignore device number ); SETB177615; =V1; (+ opening string quote ); M2TOQ8; (+ keep stack pointer ); SET22; =+M2; (+ leave space for the optimiser to park things at the top of the stack ); EXIT1; V2 = Q B117256/B120240/0; (+ space, tab, page?? newline?? ); 18; SHL+3; =C8; (+ output editing symbol ); V2; SHLC8; SHL-40; (+ drop through to output basic symbol ); 14; V1; DUP; (+ output basic symbol ); NOT; SHL-40; J141=Z; (+ J if word not full ); =Y0M2Q; ZERO; NOT; 141;SHL+8; OR; =V1; C0TOQ8; (+ mystery use of J116C8Z in P291 ); EXIT1; 16; SETB235; (+ freeze basic symbol output ); JS14; (+ closing string quote to use writetext ); V1; NOT; ZERO; 161;ERASE; ZERO; SHLD+8; DUP; J161=Z; (+ remove dummies at start of word ); SHLD-8; ERASE; NOT; =Y0M2Q; (+ partial word to buffer ); M8; SETAY22; +; (+ start of string ); JS2P288; M8TOQ2; (+ put the stack pointer back ); VR; (+ P291 (write) sometimes leaves overflow set ); EXIT1; (+ stolen from KQX -- used in format ); 20; ERASE; 1; (Fetch BS from string address in M14); J189C13NZ; M0M14Q; =V8; SET6; =C13; 189; V8; ZERO; SHLD+8; REV; =V8; DC13; SETB236; J20=; SETB240; J20=; SETB256; J20=; EXIT1; (+ unimplemented ); 9; SET9; SET5; J108P299; (+ retain character ); 11; SET11; SET5; J108P299; (+ initialise character output ); 13; SET13; SET5; J108P299; (+ output character ); 15; ZERO; SET15; SET5; J108P299; (+ freeze character output ); 116;SET116; SET5; J108P299; (+ output characters with automatic case management ); P288V41; ( write text -- also used in R16P295 ); V0 = Q 0/1/AV0; ( buffer for partial line ); ERASE; ( ignore device number for now ); SET22; =+M2; ( leave gap at top of stack ); JS2; SET-22; =+M2; ( reclaim gap at top of stack ); EXIT1; 2; SETAY0; M2; +; DUP; PERM; NOT; NEG; =RM15; CI0TOQ13; SET100; =C15; ( P700 setup missed out by side entry); V0; = Q14; J10C14Z; ( J if there is no left-over partial line ); 11; M0M14Q; =M0M15Q; J11C14NZ; ( copy it at start of output area ); M0M14N; NOT; ( turn dummies to zeros ); DUP; SHL+42; J9#Z; ( J if last saved word is full); SETB77; 8; DUPD; SET+6; =+C13; ( find position of next free char slot ); SHLC13; AND; J8=Z; ( J if character is dummy - 1st char is never dummy ); REV; ZERO; NOT; SHLC13; NEV; ( invert the characters back to normal leaving the blanks ); M-I15; =M0M15Q; ( and put the word back in the buffer ); 9; ERASE; 10; JS22P700; ( convert ABS to chars ); SETAV0; =RM14; SETB102; DUP; ( leave 1 in the nest for use later ); M0M15; NEV; SETB76; AND; J3=Z; ( N1=Z for any paper feed ); =Y0M2; ( if we scan back to this there is no newline - 01 can never be output by P700 ); I15=-1; SET40; =C15; ( for scanning backwards to find last cr ); M0M15Q; 4; =M0M14QN; M0M15Q; J6C15Z; DUP; SETB76; AND; NEG; NOT; NEG; NOT; J4#Z; M-I15; ( last word to be output ); 5; NC14; I14=-1; ( Ready to unstack the saved words ); SETB102; NEV; ( will be 0 if no newline in output string ); 3; Q14; =V0; ( stack of output held over to newline ); SETB30; =Y0M2; ( always output on stream 30 for now ); REV; =I15; ( start of output kept from label 2 ); J12=Z; ( jump if there was no newline char ); C0TOQ15; Q15; SET8; OUT; 12; EXIT1; 6; I15=+1; M+I15; ( step back up the string ); SETB177702; =M0M15QN; ( put in an extra CR ); J5; !ALGOL; !procedure close(dv); !value dv; !integer dv; !KDF9 12/3/2/0; {dv};JSP292; !EXIT; (+ P292 is missing from KQX9101, so it used to be in runtime2.txt ); P292V0; ( Close ); V0 = Q B106640 / B116400 / 0; ( {{c}} ); SET30; -; ( interim version only devs 20 and 30 actually work ); J9