NON-TIME-SHARING DIRECTOR.

                    KKN00C310P1U  3/9/64



  Ref.                 Title.                               Page.

(ENT2     Initial entry                                       1
 RTQ      S/R Type query                                      7
 RCR      S/R Type CRIMP failure No.                          8
 RTN      S/R Type contents of N1, N2                         8
 RTM      S/R Type message (Q5)                               8
 RTP      S/R Type peripherals                                9
 RTPN     S/R Type program name                              10
 RWR      S/R Deal with RFIR etc.                            11
 RCID     S/R Check tape identifier                          14
 XID      S/R Infer length of identifier                     14
 RFC      S/R Fetch character                                15
 RFN      S/R Fetch octal number                             16
 RFDN     S/R Fetch number                                   16
 RPS1     S/R Find unit                                      17
 SUSP     S/R Set given bit in HUR                           17
 CLSP     S/R Clear given bit in HUR                         17
  -       INTERRUPTION ENTRY                                 16
 FAIL     Catastrophic loop-stop                             20
 RW8      Program failures                                   20
 RW11     EDT                                                23
 RMBn     Mag tape bricks                                    24
 SLAD     Set last address for typing mag. tape parameters   26
 MUST     Change status of unit                              26
 RWLn     (S/R) Sub-program control                          27
(RTAn     S/R Allocate ma g tape to sub-program              27
 RW6      Discriminate between OUTs                          29
 RW10     Discriminate between TINTs                         30
 RAU      S/R Allocate unlabelled unit                       31
 (RMDS    S/R Deallocate unit                                32
 RTWA     TINTs                                              33-41
 RJS1     S/R Check (and code) stream number                 38
 RNOL     S/R Check number of store locations                42
 RLPN     S/R Check format of program name                   42
 (UT10    OUTs                                               43-70
 INCP     S/R Insert bit in copy of CPDAR                    45
 RJ34     S/R Decode stream number                           59
 RJPM     S/R Update next direct output streams
                  to current direct output streams           68
 RCT      S/R Convert times for typing                       71
(RW23     Program termination                                71
 RTS      S/R Terminator subroutine                          72
  -       Termination steps                                  73-82